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Niš Symphony Orchestra
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Ohrid Summer Festival (2023)
13 július 2023 (1 előadás)
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Niš Symphony Orchestra by Mozart, Barber, Britten, Shostakovich, Suplevski, -tól (2023/2023), Karmester Zoran Stanisavljević, Church St. Sophia, Ohrid, Macedonia

Válassza a Munka lehetőségetSerenade No. 6 in D Major, K. 239, Mozart


  • Zenekar




Niš Symphony Orchestra
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Niš Symphony Orchestra Niš Symphony Orchestra is the only institution of its kind in Serbia, outside of Belgrade, that has been successfully existing for 70 years. The main objective of the orchestra is live performances of composed music, nourishing the cultural riches of Serbia with the engaging of many Serbian and international artists. The Niš Symphony has performed at various festivals and events including the “Mokranjac days” in Negotin, the Dubrovnik Summer festival (Croatia), “Olympus” festival (Greece), “World of music” festival in Fivizzano (Italy), as well as concerts in Graz, Austria. The Niš Symphony Orchestra has been awarded numerous prizes and accolades including the Golden plaque of the Serbian culture and education association, the Liberation of the City of Niš prize, Golden pin at the Yugoslavian choir event in 1970 as well as the highest award of the City of Niš- the award “11 January”. In February this year, the Niš Symphony orchestra was ordained by the President of the Republic of Serbia with the “Sretenje order” for merits in the field of culture.’’ Zoran Stanisavljević-conductor Zoran Stanisavljević, MA (1972), graduated conducting in 2001 at the Faculty of Arts in Prishtina in the class of prof. Jovan Šajnović, and in 2006 he received his master’s degree from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, in the class of prof. Jovan Šajnović and prof. Darinka Matić – Marović. He was the assistant conductor of the Academic Choir of the SKC of the University of Niš from 1999 to 2004. In 2004, he founded the Women’s Choir of the Student Cultural Center Niš. He has performed with these ensembles in Republika Srpska, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Belarus, Spain and Italy. During the 2002/3 season. He was engaged as an assistant conductor of the Niš Symphony Orchestra. He also performed with: the Serbian Army Symphony Orchestra “Stanislav Binički” – Belgrade; the Orchestra of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, the Chamber Orchestra of SKC Niš; the Chamber Orchestra “Amorozo” – Leskovac; the Chamber Orchestra “Impression” – Niš; the Chamber Orchestra “New Music” – Nis; Chamber Orchestra “Imperio” , the Chamber Orchestra Bitola, Macedonia; the Chamber Orchestra “Polyphony”, N. Macedonia. With the Women’s Choir of the SKC of the University of Niš, he won numerous prizes and awards. At the Choir Week of the European Choir Association in 2010 in Niš, he was elected vocal pedagogue of the Euro Choir. In 2012 Stanisavljevic was appointed a conductor and artistic director the Academic Choir of the Student Cultural Center of the University of Niš. With this ensemble he wins prestigious awards: Including the Grand Prix and Best Conductor Award at the International Festival of Choirs “Black Sea Sounds” in Balchik, Bulgaria. Since 2012, he has been engaged at the Nis Symphony Orchestra as a guest conductor. He works as a professor at the Faculty of Arts in Niš.
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