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Oblicza Wenus
International Festival Wratislavia Cantans (2022)
09 - 10 septiembre 2022 (2 presentaciones)
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Oblicza Wenus by Various, De (2022/2022), Director Lionel Sow



Oblicza Wenus
Oratorio / Orquestal
Venus, the Roman goddess of incomparable beauty, has been a source of inspiration for artists for hundreds of years - as a symbol of various faces of love and desire. During the three-part concert, the NFM Choir conducted by Lionel Sowa will perform a musical interpretation of Longing, Torment and Sublimation. That evening, the space of the temple will be filled with the sounds of compositions by Bo Holten – a respected Danish conductor and composer. Apart from symphonies and solo concertos, a significant place in his output is also occupied by works for a cappella vocal ensemble. Among them there are e.g. Cantigas d'amigofor female choir – a work created in 2010. The literary basis for the composition was a collection of medieval Portuguese poems about women's longing for men in war and at sea. Holten made a selection of five texts that are the foundation of each of the links in the work. Their structure, based on a kind of repetition, is reflected in the musical layer of the collection, which is manifested, among others, in the by using the canon - one of the oldest polyphonic techniques. Rota Veneris , in turn, refers to the figure of Venus and the medieval concept of love full of ups and downs. The artist reached for the words of anonymous motets from the thirteenth century, revealing various aspects of being in love, which perfectly resonates with the diverse melodies of the work. Jean Sibelius is still considered the greatest Finnish composer to this day. Rakastava , a cycle of three songs for men's a cappella choir from 1894, is especially appreciated . The titles of the individual links are Rakastava (Loving One), Rakastetun tie (Beloved Way) and Hyvää iltaa... Jää hyvästi (Good evening... Goodbye). The concert will end with a composition by Jean Yves Daniel-Lesur - Le cantique des cantiquesfrom 1953. It is considered the artist's undisputed masterpiece, and it also occupies a top position in the repertoire of French a cappella music of the last century. The title of the work refers to the text of the Song of Songs - a biblical lyrical poem presenting love as the highest value.
Acerca de la información está disponible en: English, polski
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