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Opera Picnic With Niepodległa For Polish National Flag Day
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Opera Picnic With Niepodległa For Polish National Flag Day

Opera Picnic With Niepodległa For Polish National Flag Day by Mozart, Fauré, Moniuszko, Karłowicz, M., Beethoven, Delibes, Chopin, Pachelbel, J., Various, Gall, J. K., втр 02 мая 2023, С (2023/2023), Дирижёр Karol Szwech, Myśliwiecka 1, Варшава, Польша

Просмотр списка исполнителей и постановочной труппы 02 мая 2023
Выберите работуLe nozze di Figaro (Свадьба Фигаро), Mozart





Opera Picnic With Niepodległa For Polish National Flag Day
Вокальный циклconcert
Вокальный циклconcert
Вокальный циклconcert
Музыкальный театрconcert
Вокальный циклconcert
Вокальный циклconcert
3 Pieśni, Op.20, Gall, J. K.

Gdybym był młodszy dziewczyno

5 Lieder, Op.1, Gall, J. K.

Dziewczę z buzią jak malina

Celebrated on May 2, Flag Day of the Republic of Poland is an excellent opportunity to rediscover and admire the richness of native music. During the Opera Picnic with Niepodległa, the artists of the Polish Royal Opera will perform beautiful pieces from the national repertoire, as well as famous melodies by composers from other countries, which together build the community heritage of European culture. The first part of the event will be filled with chamber music - songs with piano written by masters of vocal lyricism: Stanisław Moniuszko, Stanisław Niewiadomski, Jan Gall, Fryderyk Chopin and Mieczysław Karłowicz. The lyrics carefully selected by the composers will be reflected in captivating melodies - those full of reflection and nostalgia, as well as those bringing hope and joy. In addition to presenting the repertoire in a traditional concert form, the artists also invite you to actively participate in a family workshop entitled A Walk Between Sounds. The old popular song - Your Spring Will Come, arranged for various sets of instruments, will return like a chorus and lead the audience through the meanders of musical history and tradition. The second part of the picnic will be a concert performed by the Soloists and Orchestra of the Polish Royal Opera under the direction of maestro Karol Szwech. It will be inaugurated with a ceremonial performance of the Dąbrowski Mazurka, followed by selected fragments from Polish operas by such masters as Karol Kurpiński, Stanisław Moniuszko and Karol Szymanowski. But this is not the end of the attractions. In the opera tent, all music lovers will be able to test their knowledge by solving various riddles and puzzles. The concerts will also be accompanied by an exhibition of posters from performances of the Polish Royal Opera.
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