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Orchestral Evolution: Childs' Premiere And Beethoven’s Eroica
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Orchestral Evolution: Childs' Premiere And Beethoven’s Eroica
San Diego Symphony (2025)
31 janúar - 01 febrúar 2025 (2 frammistöður)
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Orchestral Evolution: Childs' Premiere And Beethoven’s Eroica by Childs, B., Prokofiev, Beethoven, fös 31 jan 2025, Frá (2025/2025), Hljómsveitarstjóri Rafael Payare, Jacobs Music Center, San Diego, United States

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 31 jan 2025
Veldu VinnaConcerto for Orchestra, Childs, B.
