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Orchestre des Champs Élysées, Collegium Vocale Gent & Herreweghe
Palau de la Música Catalana (2022)
21 декабря 2022 (1 выступлений)
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Orchestre des Champs Élysées, Collegium Vocale Gent & Herreweghe by Beethoven, срд 21 дек. 2022, С (2022/2022), Дирижёр Philippe Herreweghe, Palau de la Música Catalana, Барселона, Испания

Просмотр списка исполнителей и постановочной труппы 21 дек. 2022





Orchestre des Champs Élysées, Collegium Vocale Gent & Herreweghe
This concert is dedicated to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the declaration of the Palau de la Música Catalana as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It should be remembered that Orfeó Català offered Beethoven's Missa Solemnis in June 1927 in the modernist hall, in an interpretation of which what was the first recording of the piece in the world is preserved and which can be heard at digital catalog of the Catalan Orfeó Documentation Center. It should also be noted that the bust of Beethoven presides over the stage of the Concert Hall and represents universal classical music. Much has been speculated about the faith conflicts of Beethoven, a composer whose legacy is not usually associated with sacred music; more focused on revealing the agitations of the individual and his time. A deaf and lonely Beethoven, the same one who composed the last three piano sonatas and his Ninth Symphony in S , builds a song of colossal scope in which the idea of ​​divine perfection and the liturgy proper to the masses pass through the sieve of the abysses of Bonn's genius. The Collegium Vocale Gent under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe will guide us through the transcendent journey of a revolutionary through the religious mystery. A point of reunion with Beethoven's Missa solemnis . A work composed almost in parallel with the Ninth Symphony and in which Beethoven evokes human concerns and pain in the world. Another example of the genius of the composer from Bonn. Beethoven's conflicted relationship with God is resolved in this sacred work. A monument to caress spirituality from Art shortly before Christmas. An evening to enjoy the excellence of the Collegium Vocale Gent, one of the best choirs in the world, and its founding director, Philippe Herreweghe .
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