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Otvoren 12. Festival "Majske muzičke svečanosti"
Majske muzičke svečanosti (2019)
29 апреля - 03 июня 2019 (2 выступлений)
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Otvoren 12. Festival "Majske muzičke svečanosti" by Various, Fauré, пнд 03 июня 2019, С (2019/2019), Дирижёр Alma Aganspahić, City Hall, Сараево, Босния и Герцеговина

Просмотр списка исполнителей и постановочной труппы 03 июня 2019
Выберите работуConcert (Концерт), Various




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Otvoren 12. Festival "Majske muzičke svečanosti"
The 12th "May Music Festival" (MAS) Festival, which since 2007 has been the pinnacle of the artistic and pedagogical activities of the oldest higher education music institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was opened tonight with a festive concert by the choir and soloists of the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo in the City Hall. Under the baton of Master Alma Aganspahić and with the piano accompaniment of Fuad Šetić, the choir and soloists performed the works of the composer Gabriel Faure (1845-1924) Messe Basse - Small Mass, for three-part female choir and soprano, and Requiem for mixed choir, soloists and orchestra. The soloists were Ajna Hasanbegović, Erol Ramadanović and Noa Jugo. This year's May Music Festival is being realized by the Academy of Music in the 2018/2019 concert season. from April 29 to June 3, and the partners are the City of Sarajevo, City Hall and Mayor Abdulah Skaka. The rich program of the Festival - 16 concerts and three student forums will be held at the locations of the Music Academy, City Hall, Bosniak Institute - Foundation "Adil Zulfikarpašić" and National Theater Sarajevo. - The dedication and devotion to art of the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo has long been producing results in the form of raising the quality of Sarajevo's musical life. One of the set goals is certainly the creation and realization of quality music festivals that, with their continuous activity, would provide the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a musical life at the level of European and world metropolises - stated the organizers of the Festival. In this year's "May Music Festivities", a concert by the Orchestra of the Music Academy is planned for May 13, and for May 18, an all-day event at the Bosniak Institute on the occasion of the International Day of Museums. The final concert will be held on May 20 on the occasion of the Day of the Music Academy and the Day of the University of Sarajevo, which is also the finale of the "Musical Dialogue for 10" project. That project was supported by the "Dialogue for the Future" platform and a joint initiative of the BiH Presidency and the United Nations. At that final concert in the Town Hall, participants of the masterclass from nine B&H will perform. cities and premiere works written especially for this event by the composers of the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo.
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