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Pieces of Tomorrow - Von Bingen, Ten Holt & Fauré
Omroep Muziek (2023)
12 október 2023 (1 frammistöður)
Farðu á vefsíðu
1h 15mins
Upplýsingar frá listasamtökum (staðfest af Operabase)

Pieces of Tomorrow - Von Bingen, Ten Holt & Fauré by Von Bingen, Ten Holt, Vivaldi, Fauré, Beethoven, Williams, John, Mendelssohn, fim 12 okt 2023, Frá (2023/2023), Hljómsveitarstjóri Chloe Rooke, TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 12 okt 2023
Veldu VinnaO virtus Sapientiae, Von Bingen






Pieces of Tomorrow - Von Bingen, Ten Holt & Fauré
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Gloria, RV 589, Vivaldi

Gloria in excelsis Deo

Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Dreaming away with Hildegard, Ten Holt and Fauré In this concert, Pieces of Tomorrow presents a colorful "classical" program performed by the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Chloe Rooke and the National Women's Youth Choir conducted by Wilma ten Wolde. Chloe was recently appointed assistant conductor of the orchestra, winner of the Edo de Waart Assistant Conductorship and representative of the newest generation of conductors taking the orchestral world by storm. As usual with the Pieces of Tomorrow series, classical is here shrouded in modernity. We start a little later, your drink may be brought in, we give an introduction to the program and DJ St. Paul hosts. Finally, the experience is enhanced with visuals. In this relaxed atmosphere, enjoy a program that begins with the music of Hildegard Von Bingen( 1098-1179), the most influential and versatile woman of the Middle Ages. She was abbess of a monastery near Bingen on the Rhine in Germany and, in addition to being a poet and composer, she was also a theologian and medical doctor. Next, the hypnotic sounds of Dutch composer Simeon ten Holt (1923-2012), made famous with his Canto ostinato. The piece originally written for four pianos sounds here in an orchestral arrangement by Anthony Fiumara. Also included is an arrangement of the Cantique de Jean Racine, a work by a still-young Gabriel Fauré. He presented it as a 19-year-old in 1866 at the annual composition competition of the École Niedermeyer and won the premier prix with it!
Um upplýsingar er að finna á: English