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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers OST, Shore, H.
Czech National Symphony Orchestra (2024)
22 - 23 Marzu 2024 (2 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers OST by Shore, H., Sib 23 Mar 2024, Minn (2024/2024), Surmast Direttur Shih-Hang Young, O2 Universum, Prague, Czech Republic

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 23 Mar 2024


The pilgrimage of the “Fellowship of the ring” continues. Hobbits, elves, orcs and dwarves will come to life on a giant movie screen, accompanied by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra, choirs and international soloists. The spectacular screening will take place twice, on Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23, 2024 in the modern concert hall O2 universum Prague. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, based on the book by J. R. R. Tolkien, premiered in the Czech Republic on January 16, 2003 and was attended by three quarters of a million people. Although more than 20 years have passed since its release, this ground-breaking work has lost a bit of its huge popularity. On the contrary, more and more new generations continue to admire its excellence. The music for the trilogy was composed by the celebrated composer Howard Shore: “The large scale of the music requires a symphony orchestra, a mixed choir, a boys’ choir and instrumental and vocal soloists singing in Tolkien’s literary languages, but of course also in English,” says the author. The music of The Lord of the Rings is considered one of the most complex works in the field of film music. Styles and instruments from around the world illustrate and characterise the individual elements of Tolkien’s saga. The most probably it will forever remain the most famous of Howard Shore’s work, for which he received two Academy Awards (for The Fellowship of the Ring and The Return of the King). A third Oscar was awarded to the final song Into the West, sung by Annie Lennox.
Dwar l-informazzjoni hija disponibbli fi: English, čeština
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