Proms at ... Alexandra Palace – Trial By Jury
BBC Concert Orchestra (2018)
01 september 2018 (1 forestillinger)
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Oplysninger fra kunstorganisation (verificeret af Operabase)

Proms at ... Alexandra Palace – Trial By Jury by Coleridge-Taylor, Cellier, Alfred, Smyth, Sullivan, Stanford, C. V., Parry, H., lør. 01 sept. 2018, Fra (2018/2018), Instrueret af Jack Furness, Dirigent Jane Glover, Alexandra Palace Theatre, London, United Kingdom

Viser Cast og Crew for 01 sept. 2018
Vælg ArbejdeThe Song of Hiawatha, op.30 (The Song of Hiawatha, Op.30), Coleridge-Taylor
