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Rigoletto, Verdi

Rigoletto by Verdi, 토 17 12월 2016, 에서 (2016/2016), 감독 Federico Bertolani,, 지휘자 Gianna Fratta, Teatro Sociale, Rovigo, Italy

출연진 및 제작진 보기 17 12월 2016






It is known that many parents, not all, but many, perhaps the least wise, they said to each other at least once during their children's adolescence something like: “I'd like to be a mosque or a butterfly for fly around Gigino and Ninetta and spy on what they do when we are not there ". The transformation into a flying being would guarantee a sudden one withdrawn in case of need, and in case of failure of the shipment, a less serious loss of dignity than being discovered in more earthy and creeping forms. It is an understandable desire: remember that the widespread propensity to spy, unseen, the others and facts that do not concern us, as well as the pleasure of being spied on pretending not to notice it are the declared foundation of one of the most extraordinary inventions of the last three millennia of human history: the theater. However if for fun inverted the parts of the subjects in question, we might find very few children, certainly the wisest, willing to try the same desire for father and mother. This is a difficulty that those like us dare to write theater to be allocated to young people must resolve: to the boys of that what we do for them matters little or nothing, and the risk of being crushed by the clear and linguistically colorful judgment of one fifteen, he is tall. We are not referring to that fictional literature and theatrical, which flourished in the last decades of the last century, which it prepares adolescent scenarios imagined by adults for use exclusive and private for young and very young people. No, we refer to the pleasure of putting ourselves on the line, we adults, in front of them, so little willing to browse our world, taken as they are by theirs, now incomprehensible to us, existential problems. This time we try taking inspiration from Dino Buzzati: author - works major apart - of some titles for young readers they have still good circulation, such as The Famous Invasion of the bears in Sicily, but little present in school programs and perhaps also for this almost unknown to the public that interests us. We'll see how it turns out.
정보는 다음에서 확인할 수 있습니다.: English
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