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Siegfried, der kleine Drachenöter Siebert
Siegfried, der kleine Drachenöter, Siebert
Mainfranken Theater Würzburg (2019)
24 三月 - 13 四月 2019 (4次表演)
來自藝術組織的信息(由 Operabase 驗證)

Siegfried, der kleine Drachenöter by Siebert, 周六 13 4月 2019, 从 (2019/2019), 導演是 Mario Pavle del Monaco,, 导体 Adrian Sieber, Mainfranken Theater, Würzburg, Germany

查看演員和工作人員 13 4月 2019



Who doesn't know them, the stories of the legendary hero Siegfried!? Even little Siegfried is fascinated by the heroic deeds of his great role model, by the world of kings and knights, by Siegfried's strength, courage and cleverness. Little Siegfried spends hour after hour in his friend Regin's forge, delving ever deeper into the mysteries of the book of the Nibelungen saga with him. He can't get enough of the stories until one day the two get to the chapter about the Nibelungen treasure. The description of this treasure, which promises its owner power over the world and immeasurable wealth, exerts a magical attraction, and not only on little Siegfried! Regin too suddenly seems transformed. With Siegfried's help he wants to get possession of the treasure, guarded by the fearsome dragon Fafnir. Beset by Regin, Siegfried boldly goes into battle against the dragon, who, however, calls out a warning: "The dazzling gold, the red-hot treasure brings loneliness, ruin and death." Now Siegfried is asked for the first time to make a decision about his life meet ... The children's opera Siegfried, the little dragon slayer undertakes a journey through the world of German legends. The music accompanies Siegfried in his small and large heroic deeds, but also dares a few looks under the supposedly strong armor. The opera was commissioned by the Mainfranken Theater. The composer and guitarist Adrian Sieber, born in 1975, received his training at the Richard Strauss Conservatory in Munich and at the Musikhochschule in Würzburg. Numerous of his solo and chamber music works have been premiered in Germany and abroad in recent years. At the Mainfranken Theater he has been responsible for several incidental scores, most recently for Woyzeck, Out in front of the door, Pinocchio and Ronja the robber's daughter.
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