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Singing with the Devil: Payare and Cantata Criolla
Singing with the Devil: Payare and Cantata Criolla
San Diego Symphony Orchestra (2023)
26 - 27 maiatza 2023 (2 emanaldiak)
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Singing with the Devil: Payare and Cantata Criolla by Estevez, Fauré, Dukas, Castellanos, E., ol. 26 mai. 2023, Noiztik (2023/2023), Zuzendaria Alberto Arvelo,, Zuzendaria Rafael Payare, The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, San Diego, United States

Emanaldia kredituak (Antzezleku eta Ekipa )

Ikusi guztiak
Cast and Crew ikusteko 26 mai. 2023
Hautatu LanaCantata Criolla (“Florentino, el que cantó con el Diablo”) (Creole Cantata ("Florentino, the one who sang with the Devil")), Estevez


