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Solitude: Composition Various
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Solitude by Various, L 10 sept 2011, Alates (2011/2011), Juhatatud Wouter Van Looy,, Escuela Superior de Música del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Arte, Mexico City, Mexico



Oratorio / Orchestral
In Transparent's annual summer project, a group of young singers and instrumentalists take up the challenge of creating a unique opera in a short, intense rehearsal period. Solitude plays on the boundary between reality and fiction. It tells the story of Him and She, each from their room looking for the other and themselves. Staring at their webcam into the other world, isn't it? Behind the gate is an escape route, a way to each other, a virtual world with its own borders and laws. Lost in the game, He and She eventually return to their room. This year, Muziektheater Transparant focuses on the theater music of Henry Purcell in the annual summer opera. In several of his semi-operas, characters are isolated in a metaphorical place and confronted with their desires and fears. Deceived and seduced by ghosts and nymphs or is it the phantoms in their own heads? Fleeing into a virtual world that intertwines itself with reality as if in a dream. The young cast works on these themes from a contemporary perspective. The allegorical world of Purcell's semi-operas is viewed from the perspective of the makers, a new generation of singers and instrumentalists. Wouter Van Looy is responsible for the direction, Nicolas Achten takes on the musical direction, the young writers Simon Van Buyten and Lynn Verhaegen provide the text with the text. The end result will be shown in the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, deSingel Antwerp and at the international Yo! Opera Festival. The project has had a permanent place in deSingel for several years now and is part of the Kunstcampus. The success of the previous editions was noted internationally. As of this year, the project will be co-organized by various European partners, including Yo! Opera festival and Europe Cantat.
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