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Tannhäuser, Wagner
Bayreuther Festspiele (1978)
27 júlí - 28 ágúst 1978 (6 frammistöður)
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Tannhäuser by Wagner, lau 19 ágú 1978, Frá (1978/1978), Leikstýrt af Götz Friedrich, Hljómsveitarstjóri Colin Davis

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 19 ágú 1978





With "Tannhäuser" in the production by Götz Friedrich in 1978, a work by Richard Wagner was recorded completely from Bayreuth for television for the first time. Friedrich interprets the minstrel as an artistic individualist - similar to Wagner himself - who feels misunderstood by his contemporaries who want to deny him his right to self-realization. He turns his back on the deadlocked, oppressive society and withdraws into the world of his dreams. While other productions show the minstrel at the court of Venus, in Götz Friedrich it is the sounds of Tannhäuser's harp that trigger the idea of ​​an imaginary Venusberg. Tannhäuser discovers that a society in which everything is allowed can also be restrictive. He returns to reality but can't go home and has to endure the ridicule of his fellow human beings. His only advocate is Elisabeth, who in this production is played by the same singer who sings Venus - the two sides of the eternal feminine. Elisabeth prays for her own death so that Tannhauser's soul can escape the narrow confines of this world and find rest in a world where Tannhauser's genius is valued. "A history-making event for opera buffs" (New York Daily News). "An excellent introduction to a new approach to the univers wagnérien" (Le Quotidien de Paris). Tannhäuser is in the Venusberg, but longs to return to earth. With a song of praise and thanks, he tries to persuade the goddess of love to let him go. Neither love spells nor curses are able to bind him any longer. With his words "My salvation rests in Maria" the Venusberg sinks. Spring at the foot of the Wartburg. The landgrave and his entourage find the former knight and minstrel Tannhäuser. He is greeted happily by the group. Full of longing, Elisabeth waited for him. In the singers' hall at the Wartburg, Elisabeth Tannhäuser confesses her great love. In front of the landgrave and many guests, the singers are supposed to fathom the nature of love in a competition. Wolfram, Walter and Biterolf are interrupted by Tannhäuser, who finally praises the goddess of love with glowing passion. Full of dismay one recognizes that he stayed in the Venusberg. Banishment is his lot. He joins pilgrims going to Rome. In the meantime it has become autumn. In front of the picture of Mary, Elisabeth begs for Tannhäuser's salvation. The pilgrims return from their penitential journey, but without Tannhauser. Elizabeth is near death. Deeply moved, Wolfram stays behind and finally discovers the completely contrite Tannhäuser. The Pope cursed him. He would only be granted salvation if the Pope's staff began to green again. Tannhäuser is determined to return to Venus forever. But the name Elisabeth brings him to his senses. A funeral procession comes from the Wartburg with the dead Elisabeth. Tannhäuser sinks down on her coffin and dies with the words "Holy Elizabeth, pray for me". Pilgrims come carrying the green staff. Redemption and grace came to Tannhäuser through the love of a woman.
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