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The wind orchestra of the department of music science & art: when will a spring come... (pote tha erthi mian anoixi...)
The wind orchestra of the department of music science & art: when will a spring come... (pote tha erthi mian anoixi...)
Thessaloniki Concert Hall (2021)
06 Diċembru 2021 (1 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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The wind orchestra of the department of music science & art: when will a spring come... (pote tha erthi mian anoixi...) by Various, Minn (2021/2021), Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Thessaloniki, Greece

Krediti ta' prestazzjoni (Cast & Crew )

Ara kollox


Programm, Dwar & Sinossi

Ara kollox



The wind orchestra of the department of music science & art: when will a spring come... (pote tha erthi mian anoixi...)
Oratorio / Orchestral


Ara kollox

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Ara kollox