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To Fall Safely: Concert
 의 모든 사진 표시
To Fall Safely, Syrse
Staatstheater Braunschweig (2022/23)
11 9월 - 15 6월 2022/23 (6 번의 공연)
웹사이트 방문
1h 10mins
예술 단체의 정보(Operabase에서 확인)

To Fall Safely by Syrse, 금 09 6월 2023, 에서 (2022/2023), 감독 Jörg Wesemüller, 지휘자 Anton Lee-Stein

출연진 및 제작진 보기 09 6월 2023






Zwei junge Autor:innen erhalten einen Stückauftrag. Sie arbeiten sich an Richard Wagners »Ring des Nibelungen« ab, bis sie sich aus dieser übermächtigen Klammer freischreiben für ihren eigenen Text. Entschieden entreißen sie ihrer Vorlage Abziehbilder heteronormativen Denkens. Da stehen sie jetzt – auf der Bühne mit ihren Figuren. Di und Eule, die so gar nicht in das Wagnersche Schema von Binaritäten und mythischen Figuren passen. Alpha bündelt alle männlichen Zuschreibungen Wotans, Siegfrieds und der anderen »machtstrotzenden« Helden in einer schablonenhaften Rolle. Dolly ist sein weiblicher Counterpart. Gemeinsam werfen beide Autor:innen ihre Figuren in ein Terrarium. In diesem Versuch hinter Glas verhandeln eingefleischte Stereotype gleichberechtigt nebeneinander ihre Wirkmächtigkeit – ohne Biografie, ohne sozialen Status, ohne vorhergehende gegenseitige Verpflichtungen. Two young authors receive a commission for a piece. They work their way through Richard Wagner's "Ring des Nibelungen" until they free themselves from this overwhelming bracket for their own text. They resolutely snatch decals of heteronormative thinking from their template. There they are now – on stage with their characters. Di and Owl, which don't fit into Wagner's scheme of binaries and mythical figures at all. Alpha bundles all of the male attributions of Wotan, Siegfried and the other »powerful« heroes into a template-like role. Dolly is his female counterpart. Together both authors throw their figures into a terrarium. In this attempt behind glass, inveterate stereotypes negotiate their effectiveness side by side on an equal footing - without biography, without social status, Katharina Kern and Jeannette Petrik have poured this attempt into a libretto for which Diana Syrse is responsible for the music. Their composition is characterized by influences from jazz, rock, fusion, traditional music from all over the world and avant-garde as well as electronics.
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