"When all life was different» - cabaret style concert
Vis alle billeder af "When all life was different» - cabaret style concert
"When all life was different» - cabaret style concert
St Petersburg Theatre of Musical Comedy (2021/22)
21 august - 16 januar 2021/22 (6 forestillinger)
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Oplysninger fra kunstorganisation (verificeret af Operabase)

"When all life was different» - cabaret style concert by Various, søn. 07 nov. 2021, Fra (2021/2022), Instrueret af Vera Dombrovskaya, Dirigent Andrey Alexeev, St Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Viser Cast og Crew for 07 nov. 2021





"When all life was different» - cabaret style concert
Oratorio / Orchestral
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