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Il matrimonio segreto, Cimarosa
D: Roberto Catalano
C: Davide Levi
Osades: Veta Pilipenko, Valentina Stadler, Giulia Mazzola, Veronika Seghers, Antonio Mandrillo, Bekir Serbest, Francesco Leone, Ignas Melnikas, Eleonora Nota, Marilena Ruta, Jan Antem, Ramiro Maturana
Il Matrimonio Segreto-Teatro Regio, Parma

<<Un’idea riuscita quella del regista Roberto Catalano che, insieme allo scenografo Emanuele Sinisi, ha creato un mondo coloratissimo e leggero, divertente e ricco di citazioni cinematografiche>>

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12 veebruar 2023www.operalibera.netMarco Faverzani
Le nozze di Figaro, Mozart
D: Maximilian Berling
C: Johanna Soller
Osades: Robin Neck, Linus Mödl, Jakob Schad, Elisabeth Freyhoff, Marie Maidowski, Gerrit Illenberger, Jonas Müller, Laura Albert, Johanna Beier, Gabriel Fortunas, Nina Schumertl, Veronika Seghers, Nadine Süssenbach, Tabea Mitterbauer
"Figaros Hochzeit" im Schloss Nymphenburg: Heiterkeit in olivgrünen Zeiten

Die Kammeroper München spielt "Figaros Hochzeit" im Hubertussaal von Schloss Nymphenburg.

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31 august 2022www.abendzeitung-muenchen.deRobert Braunmüller
Gekonnt gestutzt

Die Kammeroper München spielt bravourös „Figaros Hochzeit“

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02 september 2022www.bayerische-staatszeitung.deUwe Mitsching
Il matrimonio segreto, Cimarosa
D: Roberto Catalano
C: Davide Levi
Osades: Francesco Leone, Ignas Melnikas, Eleonora Nota, Marilena Ruta, Giulia Mazzola, Veronika Seghers, Claire Gascoin, Mara Gaudenzi, Ramiro Maturana, Jan Antem, Bekir Serbest, Antonio Mandrillo, Claudio Marchetti, Hana Lee
Buffo-Oper in US-amerikanischem Musical-Kleid

Davide Levi conducts this musically dense and Mozartian work, that grants each soloist interesting arias, with a lot of verve, leading the singers excellently.

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22 märts 2021Klaus Billand
Una satisfactoria producción de Il matrimonio segreto con jóvenes cantantes

The young Italian Maestro Davide Levi was in charge of the musical direction, who showed a high professional level and kept control over the orchestra throughout the performance, demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the opera. He did particularly well in the finales of the two acts, where he managed to show the different expressive aspects in a very satisfying way. […] under his baton, the Orquesta Sinfonica de Tenerife appeared well rehearsed, with clear lines, good balance and splendid moments. His work with the singers was also very satisfying.

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01 märts 2021bachtrack.comFrancisco Martínez Ramos

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