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Turandot (reduction), Puccini
D: Manu Lalli
C: Giuseppe La Malfa
World Premiere

Elina Ratiani, "La Principessa di gelo", after her debut in the role of Turandot in the Teatro Antico of Taormina and the Greek Theatre of Siracusa next to the late and majestic Marcello Giordani in Calaf, in 2020 she was Aida in the same Theatre of Taormina, demonstrated her growing value, knowing how to combine elegance and power within an easily recognizable and unique timbre. What surprised us was the completeness of the young artist. Long, brilliant and singing treble in their fullness, a thundering voice with a dark, romantic timbre. On top of that, her stage presence is in our opinion impressive and her dramaturgical ability, the expressiveness of her face, almost cinematic. Her arrival in Florence, in one of the most important theatres in Italy, has been the confirmation of the attention that the world of opera has for the potential of the young Russian-Georgian singer.

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07 June 2021www.lyricoperajournal.euJohn Mc Bryan
L'elisir d'amore, Donizetti
D: Pablo Maritano
C: Jonathan Brandani
l'Elisir D'Amore - Dulcamara

Cambia, invece, molto la figura di Dulcamara se a interpretarlo è Matteo Mollica con la sua allure da ladro gentiluomo, divo dal baffetto sofisticato a celare traffici e vizi.

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03 October 2020Roberta Pedrotti
l'Elisir D'Amore - Dulcamara

Mi è piaciuto il particolarissimo Dulcamara di Matteo Mollica, baritonale, arguto, elegante, capace di delineare con pochi tocchi, senza mai strafare, il carattere di un personaggio furbo, giovanile, che affronta la vita con nonchalance ma non si lascia mai sfuggire l'occasione di imbrogliare il prossimo. Vocalmente il baritono torinese è padrone del ruolo con ottima dizione e sillabato impeccabile.

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09 October 2020Silvano Capecchi

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