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Prestazzjonijiet Passat 2022 — Ilbieraħ

Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertIl-programm 3 jaħdem

Transformed Lives, WebernStraussSchoenberg, Arnold

St John's Smith Square

Conductor + 1 rwoli

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Chamber music
ConcertIl-programm 4 jaħdem

Transformed Lives, WebernStraussMahlerSchoenberg, Arnold

The City of London Sinfonia


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Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertIl-programm 5 jaħdem

Ivana Gavrić Plays Mendelssohn and Bach, Bach, J. S.Chaminade, C.Farrenc, L.Mendelssohn, F.Mendelssohn

The City of London Sinfonia

Conductor + 2 rwoli

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Oratorio / Orchestral
Il-programm 4 jaħdem

The Owl and the Nightingale with Simon Armitage, CouperinVasksWatkins, H.Bach, J. S.

Southbank Centre


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Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertFestivalIl-programm 10 jaħdem

Coming in From the Cold, SaariahoTabakova, D.NørgårdNystedt, K.PärtKats-CherninVasks

Spitalfields Summer Festival


Ara programm, cast u ekwipaġġ

Chamber music

Schubert within reach, Schubert

The City of London Sinfonia


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