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Orchestre | San Francisco, États-Unis
Die Fechtschule (The Fencing School), Johann Heinrich Schmelzer
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Tatiana Chulochnikova, Wilton Huang, Tomà Iliev, Noah Strick
Messiah (Le Messie), Georg Friedrich Händel
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Mary Wilson, Eric Jurenas, Jon Lee Keenan, Jesse Blumberg
Acis and Galatea (Acis et Galatée), Georg Friedrich Händel
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Hélène Brunet, James Reese, Mischa Bouvier, Michael Jankosky
Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4 (Le Christ gisait dans les liens de la mort), Johann Sebastian Bach
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Elijah McCormack, Steven Soph, Kyle Tingzon, David McFerrin
Agrippina condotta a morire (Dunque sarà pur vero), HWV 110, Georg Friedrich Händel
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Maya Kherani, Sarah Coit
The Four Seasons (Les quatre saisons), Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Gretchen Claassen, Ramón Negrón-Pérez, Yvonne Smith, Jacob Ashworth, Tatiana Chulochnikova, Tomà Iliev, YuEun Gemma Kim
Violinkonzert a-Moll BWV 1041 (Violin Concerto in A minor, BWV 1041) (Concerto pour violon en la mineur BWV 1041), Johann Sebastian Bach
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: YuEun Gemma Kim, Tomà Iliev, Corey Jamason, Stephen Hammer, Bethanne Walker, Vincent Canciello, Yvonne Smith, Joseph Howe
St. John Passion, BWV 245 (La Passion selon Saint-Jean), Johann Sebastian Bach
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Matthew Hill, Mischa Bouvier, Hélène Brunet, Ágnes Vojtkó, Steven Brennfleck, Jesse Blumberg
Concert, Various
Distribution: Sarah Coit, Hadleigh Adams
Partenope, Georg Friedrich Händel
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Maya Kherani, Christian Pursell, Alex Rosen
Concert, Various
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Maya Kherani, Christian Pursell
Messiah (Le Messie), Georg Friedrich Händel
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Mary Wilson, Eric Jurenas, Steven Brennfleck, Jesse Blumberg
Messiah (Le Messie), Georg Friedrich Händel
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Mary Wilson, Eric Jurenas, Steven Brennfleck, Jesse Blumberg, Sarah Coit
Ich habe genug, BWV 82, Johann Sebastian Bach
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Stephen Hammer, Tomà Iliev, YuEun Gemma Kim, Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen
Meine Seel erhebt den Herren en sol m, BWV 10 (Mon âme exalte le Seigneur), Johann Sebastian Bach
C: Jeffrey Thomas
Distribution: Nola Richardson, Jay Carter, Zachary Wilder, Tyler Duncan

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