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John Douglas Thompson Riveting in The Emperor Jones

The costumes by Antonia Ford-Roberts, including those trees, play a vital role in the drama. Jones is dressed in the ersatz, paramilitary trappings of a general. Again, it is the familiar imagery of Third World oppressors. But in the jungle signifiers of rank smother and stifle him. In a fit of frustration and rage he throws off what has become a "strait jacket." He pulls off the boots that pinch and hurt his feet...

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06 november 2009www.berkshirefinearts.comCharles Giuliano
The Emperor Jones, A Curtain Up Review

O'Reilly's staging is mindblowing...The crafts team O'Reilly has assembled to create this eerie Jungian landscape is extraordinary. The extraordinary puppets and the actors who inhabit them, as well as the costumes, atmospheric music and lighting are not just co-stars, but could easily upstage a lesser actor than Thompson.

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18 oktober 2009www.curtainup.comElyse Sommer

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