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D: Josef Zehetgruber
C: Bruce Ferden
Kast: Renée FlemingNicole PhilibosianRichard Van AllanBen HeppnerDavid BenderEalynn VossSheila NadlerDeeji KillianDawn Jensen FarryLouise MarleyByron EllisPaul GudasSusan Graham
Opera Spins Magic For The Eye And The Ear -- New Staging Of Dvorak's `Rusalka' Proves Fairy Tales Can Come True

Bring your binoculars. Your wide-angled field glasses; your high-powered spyglass; your best mother-of-pearl lorgnette. Because Seattle Opera's new ``Rusalka'' production is likely to be one of the loveliest-looking shows you'll ever see. Gasps and applause greeted the storybook sets, fairy-tale forests, glittering waters and brilliantly subtle lighting effects created by renowned designer Gunther Schneider-Siemssen, who also made his American stage-directing debut with this production.

Aqra iktar
29 Ottubru 1990archive.seattletimes.comMelinda Bargreen

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