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Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, Provincia di Piacenza, Włochy | Kompania
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Mother, Tramontano
D: Roberto Recchia
C: Daniele Balleello
Obsada: Corina Baranovschi, Caterina Meldolesi, Liu Ziyu, Jin Mingyu
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Mother: l’eccellente debutto operistico di Davide Tramontano, in prima assoluta a Piacenza

Affiatatissimo il cast di validi protagonisti, con la Maurya di Caterina Meldolesi, la madre del titolo, a dir poco clamorosa. Il giovane soprano dà tutta se stessa in un debordante tour de force vocale ed emotivo, alternando gravosi stati d’animo, descritti da note insistenti ora in basso, ora al centro, ora in alto: l’ultima scena, che dal racconto di una visione soprannaturale sfocia nella rassegnazione al proprio destino di madre senza più figli maschi, è risultata una sintesi ideale di voce e dramma.

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22 czerwca 2024iltrilloparlante.wordpress.comMattia Marino Merlo
Piacenza: Mother consacra Tramontano al grande pubblico

A indossare le vesti di Maurya è Caterina Meldolesi, dotata di una vocalità ampia e ben timbrata in tutti i registri, affronta per la prima volta un’opera contemporanea con ottima predisposizione

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23 czerwca 2024www.lesalonmusical.itGian Francesco Amoroso
Gianni Schicchi, Puccini
D: Massimiliano Stefanelli
C: Renato Bonajuto
Obsada: Roberto de Candia, Michele Zaccaria, Giuliana Gianfaldoni, Valeria Tornatore, Matteo Desole, Andrea Galli, Renata Campanella, Elettra Secondi, Graziano Dallavalle, Mattia Denti, Juliusz Loranzi, Stefania Ferrari, Valentino Salvini, Simone Tansini, Lorenzo Sivelli, Francesco Cascione
A third Trittico : Gianni Schicchi at the Teatro Municipale di Piacenza

With the cheerful third from Giacomo Puccini's Trittico , the Teatro Municipale di Piacenza started the Dante Alighieri anniversary year, which will be celebrated in 2021 on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the poet's death. Since the character of Gianni Schicchi can be found in the Divine Comedy in the eighth circle of hell, Renato Bonajuto's production initially featured an actor who recited Dante's verses. Unfortunately, that prologue ended up being unintentionally funny, with Mino Manni appearing as if he were hosting an episode of the '90s series X Factor: The Unbelievable ; This impression was reinforced by the direction of the images, which, with blazing flames and a gloomy mood, left no cliché untouched. <i>Gianni Schicchi</i> © Teatro Municipale di Piacenza Gianni Schicchi © Teatro Municipale di Piacenza In terms of scenery, the entire evening remained on the irrelevant side: the greedy heirs intrigued in a bedroom furnished with dark wood (which could have been a little better lit for the live stream broadcast). The singers threw themselves into their task in a playful way, but the director seemed to have had few ideas in terms of directing the characters, because most of the characters remained pale. <i>Gianni Schicchi</i> © Teatro Municipale di Piacenza Gianni Schicchi © Teatro Municipale di Piacenza From a musical point of view, the evening was much more successful, because the cast came up with some very beautiful voices: In the title role, Roberto de Candia needed a few minutes for his baritone to reach operating temperature, but then the warm-timbred voice flowed through the audience with grace and a wink lot. His portrayal of the witty prole in the midst of Buoso Donati's deceitful, wealthy relatives also offered some entertaining moments. Giuliana Gianfaldoni remained unobtrusive as Lauretta, but the soprano vocally attracted attention without any problems. The voice has an interesting timbre - namely darker and richer than is often heard in singers of this role - and is elegantly conducted. She designed the hit "O mio babbino caro" with restraint, Giuliana Gianfaldoni (Lauretta) und Matteo Desole (Rinuccio) © Teatro Municipale di Piacenza Giuliana Gianfaldoni (Lauretta) and Matteo Desole (Rinuccio) © Teatro Municipale di Piacenza Matteo Desole, who equipped Rinuccio with a radiant tenor, has an Italian timbre that is as it should be. Its only shortcoming was the tendency to forte in the high register, a little quieter tones here and there would have been beneficial to a more differentiated design. As Zita, Valeria Tornatore convinced with a dramatic aplomb, beautiful phrasing and the darkly shimmering timbre of her mezzo-soprano, while she perfectly summed up the devious and bitchy facets of the character in both the vocal and the acting form. The many other small roles were consistently well cast; in the numerous ensemble scenes, the voices combined well and the coordination between the singers worked flawlessly. Roberto de Candia (Gianni Schicchi) © Teatro Municipale di Piacenza Roberto de Candia (Gianni Schicchi) © Teatro Municipale di Piacenza On the other hand, a problem undoubtedly due to the transmission technology was the lack of balance between singers and orchestra. The positioning of the microphones did not seem to have been chosen ideally, because depending on the position of the actors on the stage, the singing voices came to the fore so prominently that the orchestra almost drowned and the sound became more of a conflict than a togetherness. However, when the Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana, conducted by Massimiliano Stefanelli, could be heard well, one could enjoy a highly motivated orchestra, which elegantly and differentiated both the corny and the modern-pointing passages. The orchestra had its strongest moments in the kitschy outbursts, which it endowed with voluptuous pathos and pure Italianità, as in the final declarations of love by Lauretta and Rinuccio. The circle to the prologue of the production finally came full circle with Gianni Schicchi's departure, for whom hell was waiting directly behind the bedroom door.

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24 stycznia 2021bachtrack.comIsabella Steppan
Rigoletto, Verdi
D: Leo Nucci
C: Gaetano Lo Coco
Obsada: Mattia Denti, Christian Barone, Isabel De Paoli, Rossana Rinaldi, Stefania Ferrari, Elena Borin, William Allione, Marco Ciaponi, Amartuvshin Enkhbat, Federica Guida, Stefano Marchisio, Andrea Galli, Marcello Nardis, Juliusz Loranzi, Emanuela Sgarlata, Agnes Sipos, Lorenzo Sivelli
Rigoletto en Ferrara

en el podio de una excelente Orquesta Filarmónica Italiana estaba anunciado Francesco Ivan Ciampa, indispuesto (¡qué pena! con gusto lo hubiésemos escuchado por su talento y su sensibilidad musical que crece temporada tras temporada. ) Sin embargo, su reemplazo, Gaetano Lo Coco, suscitó una excelente impresión: gesto claro y atento al escenario, dinámica apropiada a la música de Verdi (del pianissimo al fortissimo, tiempos amplios pero coherentes, pulso decisivo), respeto por las voces, transparencia e inteligibilidad del fraseo (¿cuánto se debió a la concertación de Ciampa y cuánto a Lo Coco?).

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19 kwietnia 2023proopera.org.mxAthos Tromboni
Rigoletto- Teatro Claudio Abbado, Ferrara

Rigoletto ha, come dicevamo, la magnifica voce bronzea, avvolgente ed unica di Amartuvshin Enkhbat, che riesce a rendere umano, attuale il dramma del buffone di corte. L’emissione è impeccabile, la voce ha un unico, affascinante colore che stupisce per volume e bellezza del suono, la dizione è perfetta e chiarissima. Alla perfezione assoluta manca solo un po’ di fuoco interpretativo, di mordente e di carisma scenico.

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16 kwietnia 2023www.operalibera.netCristina Miriam Chiaffoni

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