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Melbourne, Victoria, Australie | Organisation Artistique
Der Diktator, Krenek
C: Warwick Stengards
Distribution: Christopher Hillier, Esther Counsel, Robert Macfarlane, Lee Abrahmsen
The Dictator

"Christopher Hillier was outstanding as The Dictator. Both his voice and characterisation of a ruthless smooth-talking egoist were strongly projected and convincing".

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25 juin 2023classicmelbourne.com.auHeather Leviston
Der Kaiser von Atlantis, Ullmann
D: Gert Reifahrt
C: Peter Tregear
Distribution: Christopher Hillier, Eddie Muliaumaseali'i, Robert Macfarlane, Douglas Kelly, Victoria Lambourn, Her Butler Tiernan Maclaren, Lisette Bolton, Naomi Flatman, Eliza Bennetts O'Connor
Dido and Aeneas / The Emperor of Atlantis

Two short operatic chamber works written more than two centuries apart with contrasting musical languages couldn’t better have been brought together in a new double bill. At Friday evening’s opening night, Melbourne-based IOpera’s inspired and unexpected marriage of English Baroque composer Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas (c. 1683) and Silesian-born, 20th century Austrian composer Viktor Ullmann’s The Emperor of Atlantis (1943) proved to be both a stimulating and entertaining experience.

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14 novembre 2022artsreview.com.auPaul Selar

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