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The First Child
D: Enda Walsh
C: Ryan McAdamsElaine Kelly
Distribution: Eric Jurenas, Sarah Shine, Emmett O'Hanlon, Caia Leseure, Joan Sheehy, Niamh O'Sullivan, Dean Power, Samuel Levine
To call Eric Jurenas a REVELATION is to understate it considerably - WORLD PREMIERE - The First Child / Nurse - D. Dennehy & E. Walsh

World-Premiere - THE FIRST CHILD by D. Dennehy & E. Walsh - NURSE Irish National Opera & Landmark Productions at Dublin Theatre Festival ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "...delivered by ... a sublime Eric Jurenas as NURSE. To call ERIC JURENAS a revelation is to understate it considerably , not so much singing as channeling angels..." // ".... NURSE gesungen von einem überragenden Eric Jurenas .... Eric Jurenas eine Offenbarung zu nennen, wäre eine maßlose Untertreibung. Er singt nicht, er leitet Engel an..." (Theaterreview) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... while the unique timbres of singers...and, in particular, Eric Jurenas as NURSE provide a powerful reminder of the voice as instrument..." // ".... das besondere Timbre der einzelnen Stimmen, vor allem aber das von Eric Jurenas als NURSE war eine eindringliche Erinnerung an die Stimme als Instrument..." (The Irish Times) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "... and the NURSE sung by countertenor Eric Jurenas, is musically brilliant..." // "... und der KRANKENPFLEGER wurde von Countertenor Eric Jurenas brillant gesungen..." (Irish Independant)

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03 octobre 2021diverse

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