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Prestazzjonijiet li ġejjin Illum 'il quddiem

Prestazzjonijiet Passat 2023 — Ilbieraħ

Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertMatinéeIl-programm 2 jaħdem

Musik zur Kaffeezeit (3), BrahmsFibich

Theater und Orchester Neubrandenburg / Neustrelitz


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Oratorio / Orchestral

5th Foyer Concert, Various

Staatstheater Meiningen


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Ara kollox Krediti ta' prestazzjoni
Issortjati mil-lum sal-futur
Chamber music
ConcertMatinéeIl-programm 2 jaħdem

Musik zur Kaffeezeit, MendelssohnRavel

Theater and Orchestra Neubrandenburg / Neustrelitz


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ConcertIl-programm 4 jaħdem

2. Philharmonisches Konzert The Vivaldi Project, Vivaldi

Theater and Orchestra Neubrandenburg / Neustrelitz
C: Daniel Geiss

Cello + 1 rwoli

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Chamber music
ConcertIl-programm 2 jaħdem

Musik zur Kaffeezeit, MendelssohnRavel

Theater and Orchestra Neubrandenburg / Neustrelitz


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ConcertMatinéeIl-programm 4 jaħdem

2. Philharmonisches Konzert The Vivaldi Project, Vivaldi

Theater and Orchestra Neubrandenburg / Neustrelitz
C: Daniel Geiss

Cello + 1 rwoli

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