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Pagliacci, Ruggero Leoncavallo
D: Corina van Eijk
C: Tjalling Wijnstra
Tristan und Isolde, Richard Wagner
D: Pierre Audi
C: Marc Albrecht
La Bohème (Boheme), Giacomo Puccini
D: Benedict Andrews
C: Andrea Battistoni
Wozzeck, Alban Berg
D: Krzysztof Warlikowski
C: Marc Albrecht
Pikovaya Dama (Spader dam), Pjotr Tjajkovskij
D: Stefan Herheim
C: Mariss Jansons
Khovanshchina, Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky
D: Christof Loy
C: Ingo Metzmacher
Der Rosenkavalier (Rosenkavaljeren), Richard Strauss
D: Jan Philipp Gloger
C: Marc Albrecht
La Bohème (Boheme), Giacomo Puccini
D: Benedict Andrews
C: Renato Palumbo
Lohengrin, Richard Wagner
D: Pierre Audi
C: Marc Albrecht
The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh (Legenden om den osynliga staden Kitezj och jungfrun Fevronija), Nikolaj Rimskij-Korsakov
D: Dmitri Tcherniakov
C: Marc Albrecht

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