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D: Václav Věžník
C: Vinicius KattahIgor DohovičJakub Žídek
Elenco: Marek Gurbal, Ludovik Kendi, Eliška Weissová, Tatiana Paľovčíková-Paládiová, Michal Onufer, Maksym Kutsenko, Titusz Tóbisz, Viera Kállayová, Myroslava Havryliuk, Martin Kovács, Janette Zsigová, Anton Baculík
Years later, Nabucco returns to the State Theater

After five years, one of Giuseppe Verdi's most played operas, Nabucco, returns to the stage of the Košice State Theater (ŠD). The well-known story from biblical times with the ingenious music of the giant of Romanticism has the ambition to become a hit again, similarly to previous studies in Košice. An international team of soloists, as well as an unconventional meeting of generations in the implementation team, is helping to do so, as it was directed by the legendary Czech director Václav Věžník and the conductor of the music studio by the young talented Czech conductor Jakub Židek.

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19 octubre 2011kosice.dnes24.skZuzana Vajayová
Nabucco will be the first premiere of the season

One of Giuseppe Verdi's most played operas, Nabucco, will be the opening premiere of this season at the Košice State Theater. The well-known story from biblical times, underlined by the ingenious music of the giant of romanticism, has the ambition to become a hit of the Košice audience again.

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20 octubre 2011kosice.korzar.sme.sk

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