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National Philharmonic

Prestazzjonijiet Passat 2014 — Ilbieraħ

Oratorio / Orchestral
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Bruch violin concerto no. 1 with Sarah Chang, BruchPrice

National Philharmonic


Ara programm, cast u ekwipaġġ

Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertIl-programm 3 jaħdem

l’eternel, BoulangerStravinskyBeethoven

National Philharmonic


Ara programm, cast u ekwipaġġ

Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertIl-programm 2 jaħdem

Mozart & Mahler, MozartMahler

National Philharmonic


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Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertIl-programm 3 jaħdem

Musical mediums: pictures at an exhibition, Walker, GeorgeDaugherty, M.Mussorgsky

National Philharmonic


Ara programm, cast u ekwipaġġ

Oratorio / Orchestral
RecitalIl-programm 6 jaħdem

Chopin the virtuoso, Chopin

National Philharmonic
Ara programm, cast u ekwipaġġ

Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertIl-programm 2 jaħdem

Dvořák symphony no. 7, Coleman, V.Dvořák

National Philharmonic


Ara programm, cast u ekwipaġġ

Ara kollox Staġuni

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