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Die Zauberflöte, Mozart
D: Suzanne Andrade
C: Axel KoberVitali AlekseenokPéter Halász
Obsazení: Jussi Myllys, Ovidiu Purcel, David Fischer, Richard Sveda, Roman Hoza, Anke Krabbe, Lavinia Dames, Heidi Elisabeth Meier, Julia Sitkovetsky, Aleksandra Olczyk, Dimitra Kotidou, Thorsten Grümbel, Luke Stoker, Nihal Azak, Chorong Kim, Florian Simson, Johannes Preissinger, Torben Jürgens, Güneş Gürle, Sylvia Hamvasi, Luiza Fatyol, Anna Harvey, Kimberley Boettger-Soller, Katerziana Kunzio, Ramona Zaharia, Susan Maclean, Sander de Jong, Andrés Sulbarán
"Magic Flute" as a multimedia wonder

Duisburg With the British animation theater troupe "1927", Barrie Kosky staged Mozart's opera in Duisburg's Rheinoper house as a happy folk theater in the digital age. Excellent also the musical side of the evening

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16 prosinec 2013rp-online.deWolfram Goertz
Die Zauberflote - Düsseldorf

Of all the operas in the repertoire, Die Zauberflote is the one that today seems to best stimulate the creativity of directors. We saw it this summer at the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence , we can see it at the start of the season in Düsseldorf where Suzanne Andrade and Barrie Koskydemonstrate a pleasing inventiveness. Their idea? Transform Mozart's work into a gigantic cartoon. How? 'Or' What ? Through intensive use of video, which has definitely become an essential element of all opera performances, just like costumes and lights. A white panel the size of the stage frame acts as a screen. Openings, arranged at different heights of this single scenic device, allow the characters to integrate into the projected images. Their permanent renewal prevents weariness from setting in once the process has been understood.

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13 září 2014www.forumopera.comChristophe Rizoud

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