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Ariadne auf Naxos, Strauss
D: Marcelo Lombardero
C: Alejo Pérez
Ariadne auf Naxos – Modern and on Location in Buenos Aires

Musically the production was in the hands of Alejo Pérez, who brought a correct reading of the colourful and melodic score. The cast, like the production, was a local one, apart from the role of the Composer, which was well sung by America mezzo Jennifer Holloway and that of Zerbinetta. Russian soprano Ekaterina Lekhina gave a brilliant account of her famous aria ‘Grossmächtige Prinzessin’ but came across as somewhat brittle in her acting. As the Prima Donna – with her poodle in the Prologue – and Ariadne, Carla Filipcic Holm brought power and beauty of line to the role and Gustavo López Manzitti was up to the demands of the Tenor and Bacchus. Hernán Iturralde was a solid Music Master and likewise Pablo Urban as the Dance Master and the three players – Luciano Garay, Santiago Martinez, Iván Garcia – and three nymphs – Laura Pisani, Florencia Machado, Victoria Gaeta – well played their respective roles.

Aqra iktar
07 Settembru 2019seenandheard-international.comJonathan Spencer Jones

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