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A Winter's Journey Recital: Franz Schubert's Winterreise
A Winter's Journey Recital: Franz Schubert's Winterreise: Winterreise, D. 911 Schubert
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A Winter's Journey Recital: Franz Schubert's Winterreise
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VocaSong Ensemble (2022)
W roli głównej:
03 grudnia 2022 (1 spektakli)
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A Winter's Journey Recital: Franz Schubert's Winterreise by Schubert, sob 03 gru 2022, od (2022/2022), The Arts House, Singapore, Singapur

Oglądanie obsady i ekipy dla 03 gru 2022
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A Winter's Journey Recital: Franz Schubert's Winterreise
Cykl pieśniRecital
Come join us for an enchanting evening of Music and Art on the 3rd of December. A Winter's Journey is a recital of Franz Schubert's famous Winterreise presented by local vocalist, Soprano Teng Xiang Ting and pianist, Vincent Chen. With the art by Art Therapists presented live alongside the music, we hope to provide an immersive and moving experience. Written in 1827, towards the end of Schubert’s short life spanning a mere 31 years, Winterreise describes the thoughts and emotions as the protagonist journeyed in the bleak wintry landscape. Set to poems of Wilhelm Müller, the intensity and the emotional inflection of the poetry invokes the imagery of cold, darkness, and barrenness, consistently serving to mirror the feelings of the isolated wanderer, that in part a psychological and spiritual allegory. It traces the process of a man so utterly gutted of his emotional self that in the end what is left is just an empty hollow shell. Along with the recital, there will also be a free-to-public exhibition of the art therapists’ artworks running concurrently at The Arts House. These artworks are Response Art created by the therapists when reflecting on their clinical practice, drawing deeply from the therapists’ own experiences with their clients. The therapists listened to Schubert’s Winterreise when selecting and curating these artworks from their existing repository of Response Art. These works were then recreated for the presentation inspired by the collaboration with musicians during our rehearsals. These artworks will provide the audience with a rare opportunity to see what goes behind the scenes during Art Therapy sessions as well as a perspective into the Art Therapists’ personal process. All proceeds from the artwork sales will go to the art therapists in supporting their art therapy practice. Through the recital, exhibition, as well as programmes such as artist/musician talks and panel discussions on art therapy and mental health, Vocasong and Solace Art Psychotherapy hopes to raise awareness on the importance of mental health, provide people the knowledge of the possibilities and avenues to seek help, and to highlight to importance of the Arts in our journey of healing and self-expression. This event is brought to you by a collaborative effort of VocaSong Ensemble and Solace Art Psychotherapy.
Informacje są dostępne na: English
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