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Ascent. I Am-ness (Bonachela); The Shell, A Ghost, The Host & The Lyrebird (Mascarell); Forever & Ever (Hamilton)
Sydney Dance Company (2023)
15 - 26 Marzu 2023 (13 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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Ascent. I Am-ness (Bonachela); The Shell, A Ghost, The Host & The Lyrebird (Mascarell); Forever & Ever (Hamilton) by Vasks, Wales, Hamilton, J., Tli 21 Mar 2023, Minn (2023/2023), Sydney Opera House, Sydney City, Australia

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 21 Mar 2023
Agħżel XogħolVientuļais eņģelis (Lonely Angel), Vasks

