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Baroque at Polish Manors
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Baroque at Polish Manors
Polska Opera Królewska (2022)
08 Lulju 2022 (1 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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1h 0mins
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Baroque at Polish Manors by Various, Ġim 08 Lul 2022, Minn (2022/2022), Surmast Direttur Krzysztof Garstka, Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie, Warsaw, Poland



Baroque at Polish Manors
Vocal / Song cycle
In the second half of the 16th century and in the 17th century, Polish manors resounded with music. The high artistic level was dictated by groups operating in the king's surroundings, but over the years, more and more bands led by outstanding artists were organized, also at the courts of magnates - clergy and secular, in churches and monasteries. Music was an inseparable part of sumptuous celebrations and small meetings, it was an important element in building prestige. Canzons, sonatas and dances dominated among the instrumental works. This trend includes works by Marcin Mielczewski, known throughout Europe at that time, and works by composers associated with the Lutheran St. Mary's Church in Gdańsk - Kaspar Förster, Balthasar Erben and Johann Valentin Meder. Vocal-instrumental music, which will sound in the interpretation of the great soprano Iwona Lubowicz, also comes from church circles. In the Jasna Góra archives, manuscripts of works related to the band from the monastery of Marcin Józef Żabrowski - one of the most talented Polish composers of the 18th century, have been preserved. His beautiful Magnificat is distinguished by a captivating melody, interesting harmony and, above all, extraordinary expression, especially manifested in the Suscepit Israel passage . Two works by Krystian Józef Ruth, preserved in the archives of the Benedictine nuns in Sandomierz, with which the author was associated in the 18th century, also have a church provenance. The work Semper mi Jesu was also written with the monastery complex in mind . Its author, Antoni Milwid, led the band of regular canons in Czerwińsk for over fifty years. On the other hand, the activity of Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf, whose two compositions close the concert program, is related to the Silesian court of the Bishop of Wrocław - Philip Gotthard von Schaffgotsch.
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