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Bério. Stravinsky. Haydn
F. Chizhevsky, S. Kasyan, Questa Musica - Luciano Berio Folk Songs (10/10/2020, Tretyakov Gallery)
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Bério. Stravinsky. Haydn
Zaryadye Hall (2021)
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10 duben 2021 (1 představení)
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Bério. Stravinsky. Haydn by Various, so 10 dub 2021, Od (2021/2021), Dirigent Philipp Chizhevsky, Zaryadye Hall, Moscow, Russia

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Bério. Stravinsky. Haydn
Oratorio / Orchestral
The concert program includes the music of the 18th century classicist Haydn and the 20th century neoclassical artists Stravinsky and Berio. The "Basel" concerto was commissioned by Stravinsky from Paul Sacher, conductor of the Basel Chamber Orchestra and later founder of the largest Stravinsky musical foundation. At the heart of the Stravinsky Concerto are references to popular music (jazz and Broadway musicals) dressed in a rigid classical construction. Berio 's "Folk Songs" as well as Stravinsky's "Basel Concerto" appeared on the wave of the revived interest of avant-garde composers in the music of the past. Digging deeper, Berio chose songs from different countries and eras for his cycle. Genuine folk melodies, whether the Armenian song Loosin yelav, which sings about the rising moon, or the playful French Rossignolet du bois, about how to win the heart of a beautiful girl, are presented in a delicate instrumental setting. The composer created a cycle for his first wife Cathy Berberian, an American singer of Armenian origin. Bridges from Stravinsky and Berio lead to the 18th century, to Haydn's Farewell Symphony. In an interview, Philip Chizhevsky called Haydn "the foremost avant-garde artist of his time." According to the composer's idea, in the "Farewell" symphony, in the slow part following the traditional finale, the musicians extinguish the candles one by one and leave the stage. With Vetlana KasyanGraduated from the Moscow Conservatory (class of Galina Pisarenko). In 2008 she performed the part of Eurydice in Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice by Gluck and the part of Maddalena in Rossini's Journey to Reims with the Conservatoire Opera Studio. George Darden (Metropolitan Opera, New York), Gloria Guida Borelli (Neapolitan Conservatory), Giandomenico Busi, Richard Bado (Houston Opera) and Dmitry Vdovin. Trained in the Youth Program at the Washington National Opera. Has taken part in master classes with George Darden (Metropolitan Opera, New York), Gloria Guida Borelli (Neapolitan Conservatory), Giandomenico Busi, Richard Bado (Houston Opera) and Dmitry Vdovin. From 2009 to 2012 she was an artist of the Youth Opera Program of the Bolshoi Theatre, on the stage of which she made her debut in 2010 as Kupava (The Snow Maiden by Rimsky-Korsakov).
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