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Butterfly Gala
Teatro Comunale di Modena (2023)
06 Frar 2023 (1 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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Butterfly Gala by Various, Tne 06 Fra 2023, Minn (2023/2023), Surmast Direttur Aldo Sisillo, Teatro Comunale Pavarotti-Freni, Modena, Italy



Butterfly Gala
Oratorio / Orchestral
The first edition of the Butterfly Gala will be staged on Thursday 22 December at 20.30 , a charity musical event wanted by Eleonora Buratto and created in collaboration with the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra and the patronage of the Municipality of Modena in favor of Debra Südtirol – Alto Adige , a non-profit organization committed to supporting children suffering from epidermolysis bullosa, the "butterfly children", and their families. On the stage of the Teatro Comunale, Eleonora Buratto together with the Italian Philharmonic directed by Aldo Sisillo will range among the most loved arias of his vast elective repertoire, from Gioachino Rossini to Gaetano Donizetti, to Giuseppe Verdi, to Giacomo Puccini. For some time involved in the problems of the so-called "butterfly children" Eleonora Buratto, since 2015 Music Ambassador of Debra Südtirol - Alto Adige says: "I am honored to use my image, my voice and my free time to raise awareness through music the cause and the stories of these children, of their extraordinary families, of those who promote research and of those who support and assist the commitment of families and science, with the ambition of prolonging the life expectancy of young patients. This is the first edition of an event to be held annually. I wanted to do it in a city that means a lot to people suffering from epidermolysis bullosa and a lot to me too – continues Elelonora Buratto – because Modena is the city where two of the most beloved opera legends of all time were born, Luciano Pavarotti, of whom I was a pupil , and Mirella Freni and I was able to do it thanks to the sensitivity of the artistic director of the Teatro Comunale, Aldo Sisillo, protagonist together with the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra and me of the evening.”
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