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Composition, Various
Muziektheater Transparant (2008)
30 duben - 25 květen 2008 (8 představení)
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Composition by Various, so 24 kvě 2008, Od (2008/2008), Režie Wouter Van Looy,, Dirigent Jan Van Outryve, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, Antwerp, Belgium

Zobrazení obsazení a štábu pro 24 kvě 2008




Jan Van Outryve rewrote the music using the musical themes from Vivaldi's opera. Michel Vanderhaegen added a soundscape. Villa Vivaldi tells the story of the soldier Orlando, who has left the war against Islam to return to his beloved Angelica. A festive welcome awaits him on the domain of the nymphomaniac Alcina... While the party takes place indoors, the public gains more and more insight into the inner world of the characters who withdraw from the party outside in the garden. For this project based on the musical oeuvre of Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), Jan Van Outryve and Wouter Van Looy chose his Orlando Furioso , an opera based on Ludovico Ariosto's masterpiece of the same name. From the many storylines of this Renaissance masterpiece, Villa Vivaldi . drawsthe story of Orlando's homecoming. Using the musical themes from Vivaldi's opera as a starting point, Jan Van Outryve rewrote the music, Michel Vanderhaegen added a soundscape. 
 Villa Vivaldi zooms in on the relationship between the ancient story about Orlando and today's reality. The photos by the American photographer Nina Berman provided inspiration for a story about the surprising contrast between war and longing for love in a disrupted society. Villa Vivaldi plays on the theme of ideals and desires and in their conflict with the limitations of real life. For Villa Vivaldi Muziektheater Transparant builds on the Drift created in 2003 . The success of this project with music by Claudio Monteverdi was the result of many years of collaboration with and investment in a group of young singers. The result was an extensive tour of Dutch and Flemish theaters and a selection for the Theater Festival. Five years later, Muziektheater Transparant brings the core group together again, who share the stage with a number of new singers and 7 children.
Informace o produktu jsou k dispozici v: English, Nederlands
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