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Così fan tutte Mozart
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Così fan tutte, Mozart
Stadttheater Klagenfurt (2015)
17 Settembru - 05 Novembru 2015 (11 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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Così fan tutte by Mozart, Ġim 02 Ott 2015, Minn (2015/2015), Immexxi minn Marco Štorman,, Surmast Direttur Alexander Soddy, Stadttheater Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 02 Ott 2015





Fiordiligi loves Guglielmo and Dorabella loves Ferrando. But it's not quite that simple. A friend, the philosopher Don Alfonso, thinks up an experimental arrangement to test the supposed loyalty of the two women. They are told that their future husbands must go to war. Shortly thereafter, these two come back in disguise, posing as strangers and trying to win over each other's fiancee... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera, which premiered in 1790 and is based on a libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte, masterfully misleads viewers and characters. Can it be that the women do not recognize their disguised men? Now who belongs to whom? Who is playing with whom? And when does a couple go “well” together? Can you be so playful with love? When does a game become so serious? Mozart's masterpiece raises questions that we are still confronted with today. In a time of sexual freedom of choice and allegedly unlimited possibilities, in which many have lost the willingness to wait for their loved one, the belief in seduction and in the one true encounter, the deep longing for enchantment and fulfilled partnership is basically unbroken. Chief Conductor Alexander Soddy will be in charge of the musical direction.The Golden Fleece , Der Rosenkavalier and Cavalleria rusticana / Pagliacci staged. Golda Schultz, Sophie in the Salzburg Festival's Rosenkavalier , returns to Klagenfurt to play Fiordiligi. On stage with her are Anna Pennisi as Dorabella, Elsa Benoit in the role of Despina, Matthew Newlin, Nikos Kotenidis and Marco Filippo Romano. Attention: start at 7 p.m.! Duration approx. 3 hours, 20 minutes (including a 30-minute break) Scene photos (c) Aljoša Rebolj Podcast int
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