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Don Giovanni Mozart
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Don Giovanni, Mozart
Opernhaus Zürich (2013)
25 septiembre - 11 octubre 2013 (4 presentaciones)
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3h 15mins
Información de la organización artística (Verificado por Operabase)

Don Giovanni by Mozart, dom. 06 oct 2013, De (2013/2013), Dirigido por Sebastian Baumgarten,, Director Robin Ticciati, Opernhaus, Zúrich, Suiza

Viendo Elenco y Equipo para 06 oct 2013






Don Juan de Tenorio is said to have been the head waiter of the Castilian king Pedro "the Cruel". The early legends focus neither on the slayer (murder by duel was commonplace) nor on the womanizer (that was part of the feudal lord's role), but on the blasphemer who disregards the rest of the dead. In the late Middle Ages, the world was filled with tales of statues coming to life and images of saints rising from their pedestals. The closer we get to modern times, the stronger the restlessness in sexual desire and the enigma of vacillating between idealization and devaluation become in the Don Juan material. Every new woman is wonderful, every woman already conquered is a nuisance; in Mozart's opera Don Juan is no longer a sensual person who makes himself comfortable in pleasure. Now the stone guest who drags the hero to the grave stands for a rigid principle that forces the many surprises and developments of love into a pattern that is self-affirming through blind repetition. A connoisseur does not employ an accountant to record his conquests. Leporello plays with the bourgeois reservations about the "dear gentlemen", Don Giovanni combines the arrogance of the high-born with the ambition of the bourgeois individual aiming at self-realization. Who is whose tool? Leporello must do what his master says. But Don Giovanni is also a slave to the register that Leporello manages. Recently, a television crime scene took place in what is now known as the "pickup scene" subculture, in which men count their conquests no less than Don Giovanni. The modern version of the leporello index are videos; The mother of one of his victims, who cannot forgive what he has done to her daughter, becomes fatal for the seducer. Sometimes such a man, unable to endure the joys and fears of a love affair, finds his way into analysis because the next and next conquest left him poorer inside. He is then shown to be fighting off his own fears of falling in love and being abandoned with the incessantly repeated pattern of conquer, leave and count. These are men who don't really feel comfortable with women and don't believe that erotic fulfillment can develop and increase. They feel manly as
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