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Gewandhaus Leipzig (2022)
13 - 14 oktober 2022 (2 föreställningar)
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Grosse concerte by Ustwolskaja, Hartmann, Shostakovich, tor 13 okt 2022, Från (2022/2022), Dirigent Ingo Metzmacher, Gewandhaus, Leipzig, Tyskland

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Välj ArbeteSymphonic Poem No. 2, Ustwolskaja
The last work by Munich Musica Viva founder Karl Amadeus Hartmann is a song scene for baritone and orchestra based on an excerpt of Jean Giraudoux 's darkly pessimistic drama Sodom and Gomorrah (1943). People destroy themselves because their social skills have stunted behind technical achievements: their body is their alibi, they themselves are never there. With the setting to music, the composer, who was terminally ill with cancer, fulfilled an order from the Hessischer Rundfunk, which premiered the work posthumously on November 12, 1964 with Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. The last sentences that are no longer set to music are spoken. Disturbingly naked, without music, they announce an end of the world! The saddest of all!Giraudoux still has the stage direction: the end of the world. All are struck by lightning. The world disappears. The curtain falls. For now it's just us leaving. Hartmann died before he could complete the end of the world. During her lifetime, Ustvolskaja withdrew from the dying world for and in her art. The title of the poem, which premiered in Leningrad in 1959, also disappeared: heroic deedit should have been called and maybe should have been. Shostakovich was one of her teachers - and arguably more than that. The relationship between the two was complicated. He, too, disappeared again and again: behind masks, scenes and fake explanations. To be on the safe side, he also let the 4th symphony disappear. While he was working on it, a campaign of defamation swept over him, the model artist was under surveillance and lived in constant fear. People around him disappeared. Shostakovich dwindled in completing the Mahler-inspired symphony, which surpasses his previous work in scoring and format. Under dubious circumstances, the work, completed in 1936, disappeared immediately before the premiere and was only publicly reconstructed in 1961. The game of confusion and hide-and-seek continues.creed of my creative work and then officially dismissed as gigantomania is now more interesting than anything that followed.
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