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HCO Singing Competition 2022

HCO Singing Competition 2022 by Various, Ħad 20 Nov 2022, Minn (2022/2022), Kimmeridge House, Bournemouth, United Kingdom



HCO Singing Competition 2022
Vocal / Song cycle
Semi-finals and finals of Hurn Court Opera's Singer of the Year Competition, a national contest for classical singers aged 20-29 years. Following online preliminary rounds, eight semi-finalists will each perform a 15-minute programme. The judges will select four singers to deliver a 20-minute programme in the finals. Judges: Joan Rodgers, CBE (international soprano), Michael Chance, CBE (CEO and Artistic Director of The Grange Festival) and Scott Cooper (Director of Artistic Administration, The Grange Festival). Semi-finals start 11.00am; finals start approx 3.30pm followed by adjudications and announcement of results. Inaugurated in 2018, the HCO Singer of the Year Competition provides an important platform for young vocal talent. This year we are thrilled to announce a collaboration with The Grange Festival. As well as being invited to perform with HCO, the winner of the Nigel Beale Grange Festival First Prize will also be offered a contract in The Grange Festival Chorus in 2023, subject to a sufficient standard being reached. Selected HCO prizewinners perform in recital and opera with us, and all entrants may be considered for future opportunities. For details of previous competitions, including lists of prizewinners, please click on the year tabs under HCO Competition, above.​ ​ ​ Prizes Nigel Beale Grange Festival First Prize - £2000, plus the offer of a contract with The Grange Festival Chorus in 2023* John Harding Second Prize - £1000 Rosalind Armstrong Prize - £750 Roger Higgins Prize - £500 Anthony Lowrey Audience Prize - £500 Wendy Blamire Prize** - £300 *subject to a sufficient standard being reached ** This discretionary award may be made to a semi-finalist or finalist who, in the opinion of the panel, shows outstanding linguistic and artistic commitment to text in at least two European languages other than English.​ ​ Jury Semi-finals and finals Joan Rodgers CBE, International Soprano (Chair) Michael Chance CBE, CEO and Artistic Director, The Grange Festival Scott Cooper, Director of Artistic Administration, The Grange Festival ​ Preliminary auditions Philip Curran, composer Joy Robinson, mezzo-soprano and HCO producer​
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