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Opera Trøndelag (2021)
03 Diċembru 2021 (1 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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Julefryd by Various, Ġim 03 Diċ 2021, Minn (2021/2021), Surmast Direttur Anita Brevik, Nidarosdomen, Trondheim, Norway

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 03 Diċ 2021





Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Opera Trøndelag is the organizer when the Trondheim Soloists and singers from Nidarosdomen's Jentekor occupy Skatval church with the famous concert Julefryd. They have violinist Einar Olav Larsen with them. Nidaros Cathedral's girls' choir and the Trondheim soloists have had an extensive collaboration over many years. With the "Julefryd" concerts in Nidaros Cathedral, they have since 2012 put the Trønder audience in the Christmas spirit. In 2021, Nidaros Cathedral's girls' choir and the Trondheim soloists perform "Julefryd" from the national shrine, to the Mid-Norwegian audience. With three unique concerts in Skatval church, Stangvik church in Surnadal and Røros church, together with fiddler Einar Olav Larsen, we will hear a program that ranges from well-known and beloved Christmas songs, but also something new - everything from powerful and big, to quiet and poignant. There will also be sing-alongs. In 2020, Nidarosdomen's Jentekor and TrondheimSolistene's release "LUX" received the GRAMMY Award in the USA. This is the first time an album with a Norwegian choir and orchestra has received this award. Their album "MAGNIFICAT" also received a GRAMMY nomination in 2014. PARTICIPANTS Trondheim soloists Singers from Nidarosdomens Jentekor Einar Olav Larsen, violinist Petra Bjørkaug, piano & organ Anita Brevik, conductor Geir Morten Øien, trumpet Carl Haakon Waadeland, percussion The concerts are made possible through support from Sparebank1 SMN - Main partner for both choir and orchestra.
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