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Karlstejn Night, Svoboda, K.
Affichage des acteurs et de l'équipe pour 18 déc. 2016






Théâtre musicalStaged
The premiere of the musical Noc na Karlštejn will be performed by the opera ensemble on December 18 from 7 p.m. within the framework of the anniversary of the birth of the important monarch Charles IV. Authors of the musical – Karel Svoboda, Jiří Štaidl, Eduard Krečmar, Zdeněk Podskalský and Zdeněk Podskalský Jr. wrote this work based on a play by Jaroslav Vrchlický. Jaroslav Vrchlický (February 17, 1853, Louny – September 9, 1912, Domažlice), writer and translator. He is the author of the Hippodamia trilogy , which was set to music by Zdeněk Fibich in the well-known melodramas The Courtship of Pelopova, The Peace of Tantalus and The Death of Hippodamia . Antonín Dvořák wrote a famous oratorio based on the text of Saint Ludmila . The film version was shot by the director Zdeněk Podskalský in 1973. Some very well-known songs by composer Karel Svoboda and lyricist Jiří Štaidl performed by Waldemar Matuška and Helena Vondráčková come from the film. His most famous hits Lásko má, já stúňu, Do veží or Hoja, have already appealed to thousands of film and theater viewers. (The actor Jaroslav Marvan played his last film role here as burgrave Ješek from Vartenberk). Zdeněk Podskalský (February 18, 1923, Prague – October 29, 1993, Prague), Czech television and film director, actor. His films Christenings, Worlds, White Lady, Ball Lightning, Blockbuster, Big Film Robbery and many others are a guarantee of good entertainment. J. Vrchlický's historical comedy was first printed in Lumir in 1884. The story line stems from the ban on women entering Karlštejn Castle, which was built by Charles IV so that he could work and relax here in peace. This ban will be broken by the young girl Alena and Queen Eliška Pomeranian. The ban on women is lifted at the end of the film. The musical features real historical characters. Apart from Charles IV. also his fourth wife Eliška (Alžběta) Pomořanská, Arnošt from Pardubice, Archbishop of Prague, and Ješek from Vartenberk. The opera troupe will once again present other new faces – conductor Ema Mikešková, Veronika Prášil Gidová and also Michal Kubečka.
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