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Kashchey the Deathless (Kashchey the Immortal), Rimsky-Korsakov
Mariinsky Theatre (2022/23)
30 Settembru - 13 Marzu 2022/23 (2 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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Kashchey the Immortal by Rimsky-Korsakov, Tne 13 Mar 2023, Minn (2022/2023), Immexxi minn Vyacheslav Starodubtsev, Surmast Direttur Irina Soboleva, Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theater, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 13 Mar 2023



The opera "Mozart and Salieri" (1897) has the author's dedication: "In memory of A. S. Dargomyzhsky." It contains not only a tribute of deep respect to the creator of The Stone Guest (this unfinished opera was staged at the Mariinsky Theater on February 16, 1872 - thanks to Caesar Cui, who completed it, and Rimsky-Korsakov, who orchestrated it), but also an indication of melodic style and genre of chamber opera, which served as a reference point for the composer. Like The Stone Guest, Mozart and Salieri was written to the unaltered text of one of Pushkin's Little Tragedies: such an innovative artistic solution brings the two works even closer. “This composition was really purely vocal,” writes Rimsky-Korsakov in The Chronicle of My Musical Life, “the melodic fabric, following the curves of the text, was composed ahead of everything.” The romantic legend of Mozart's death at the hands of an envious rival is presented by Pushkin through the prism of irony: the art of the Hellenic spirit, bringing delight and light, rises above strict Old Testament moralism. The woeful monologues of Salieri, framing the first scene, contain the grain of the play. This luscious role brought fame to its first opera performer, Fyodor Chaliapin. The score of "Pushkin's dramatic scenes" - this is how the composer called his opera - includes quotes from Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni and, of course, the Requiem performed by the choir behind the scenes. The image of Salieri, a diligent worker, a sincere sufferer, could not but evoke sympathy from Rimsky-Korsakov, who looked back at his brilliant colleagues - Mussorgsky and Borodin. This chamber opera appeared on the playbill of the Mariinsky Theater only a few times: in 1905 and 1919 (both times with Chaliapin), and then in 1998 (protagonists were sung by Sergei Aleksashkin and Leonid Zakhozhaev). The current production, combined with another repertoire rarity - "Kashchei the Immortal", is prepared for the anniversary celebrations in honor of the composer.
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