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La Descoberta D’un Nou Galà De La Lírica : Jonathan Tetelman
Festival Castell de Peralada (2023)
03 Awwissu 2023 (1 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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La Descoberta D’un Nou Galà De La Lírica : Jonathan Tetelman by Various, Ħam 03 Aww 2023, Minn (2023/2023), Castell Peralada, Peralada, Spain



La Descoberta D’un Nou Galà De La Lírica : Jonathan Tetelman
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Despite his youth and only five years into his career, the American tenor has established himself as one of the most in-demand tenors today and has established a solid career throughout Europe. Born in Castro (Chile), Tetelman grew up in New Jersey (USA) and graduated – as a baritone – from the Manhattan School of Music at the age of 22, training that continued at Mannes College in New York. Praised for agile technique, dramatic eloquence and an extensive palette of vocal colors, the tenor enjoys a reputation in the operatic world as a dedicated and versatile performer. He recently signed an exclusive multi-album deal with the Deutsche Grammophon record label and released ARIAS, his critically acclaimed debut album recorded together with the Gran Canaria Philharmonic under the baton of Karel Mark Chichon. Considered by many to be a total star, Tetelman has already performed in prestigious international stages such as the Royal Opera House in London, the Teatro Regio in Turin, the Semperoper Desden, the Gran Teatre del Liceu and the operatic coliseums of San Francisco and Houston. He will soon return to the Deutsche Oper Berlin and the Vienna State Opera just before making his debut at the Peralada Festival with a recital of arias and songs alongside Daniel Heide at the piano. As future engagements, he awaits the debut at the Metropolitan Opera House with two operas, the debut in the role of Luigi in Il Tabarro, Werther in Baden-Baden and a new album with works by Puccini. A new lyrical discovery arrives in Peralada by the name of Jonathan Tetelman.
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