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La Fille du régiment trailer 2010
La Fille du régiment (The Daughter of the Regiment), Donizetti
Royal Opera House (2010)
17 Mejju - 04 Ġunju 2010 (8 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
Informazzjoni minn organizzazzjoni tal-arti (Verifikat minn Operabase)

The Daughter of the Regiment by Donizetti, Ġim 04 Ġun 2010, Minn (2010/2010), Immexxi minn Laurent Pelly,, Surmast Direttur Bruno Campanella, Royal Opera House, London, United Kingdom

Krediti ta' prestazzjoni (Il-Kast & l-Ekwipaġġ )

Ara kollox
Viewing Cast u Crew għal 04 Ġun 2010



Programm, Dwar & Sinossi

Ara kollox


Ara kollox

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