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La Serva Padrona
Valletta International Baroque Festival (2024)
28 januari 2024 (1 föreställningar)
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La Serva Padrona by Pergolesi, sön 28 jan 2024, Från (2024/2024), Dirigent Sarah Spiteri, Teatru Manoel, Valletta, Victoria, Malta

Visar Cast and Crew för 28 jan 2024



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La Serva Padrona
Nearly three centuries have gone by since Pergolesi's La Serva Padrona hit the stage in 1733 at the Teatro San Bartolomeo in Naples. Pergolesi may have left us too soon, but his musical legacy, especially with gems like La Serva Padrona and the Stabat Mater, is still making waves. Originally just a side act for the serious opera Il Prigionier Superbo, this piece took the scene by storm, playing in major theatres across Italy and Europe. In 1752, it even caught the attention of the Parisian intellectual crowd, becoming a symbol of a style that perfectly blends "imitation de la nature et la vérité de l’expression" (imitation of nature and truthfulness of expression), as the French philosopher D’Alembert would say. Pergolesi spun this comedic masterpiece with only three characters and a plot that gets straight to the point. It's fantastic because it offers a glimpse into the lifestyle of the past, and the humour isn't just for a good laugh—it's a nod to the fact that being witty and having sharp ideas has always been cool! This play is perfect for children because, despite its age, it still connects with us today. The characters are just like the ones in our beloved sitcoms or series—funny and easy to relate to. They possess that timeless quality that feels a lot like the shows we love to binge-watch. It's reminiscent of a classic narrative that evokes laughter and reflection - a performance dedicated to comedy, clever plans, and surprising twists – just what you need!
Om info finns på: English
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