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L'Orfeo (Orfeo), Monteverdi
Les Paladins (2022)
07 Jannar - 16 Frar 2022 (4 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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Orfeo by Monteverdi, Erb 16 Fra 2022, Minn (2022/2022), Immexxi minn Guillaume Marmin, Surmast Direttur Jérôme Correas, Samuel Crowther, Théâtre de St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 16 Fra 2022







L'Orfeo (Orfeo), Monteverdi

L'Orfeo , Madrigals (Books 7 and 8), The Coronation of Poppea , Vespers of the Virgin

At the beginning of the Baroque there is Claudio Monteverdi . In an era marked just like ours by the links between the arts and sciences, by the great discoveries, Monteverdi reinvents the musical language, giving birth to a resolutely modern work and to one of the first operas: L'Orfeo . Jérôme Correas reconnects here with his favorite composer. Jérôme Correas and Guillaume Marmin revisit several of Monteverdi's works by transposing them into a hypnotic video installation: the gaze of a drone on our world and humanity. Far from the traditional formalism of operas, Monteverdi's music is treated as an assemblage of extracts sticking to the rhythm and narrative of the images. Monteverdi's lyricism mingles with the soundscapes of the video. Light creation synchronizes these visual and auditory movements to better immerse us in a magnetic space-time. The music dialogues with the images in this scenic, audiovisual and sound installation which tells the story of humanity, through the gaze of a drone. Named ORFEO, our traveling drone explores our humanity and its masterpieces with images filmed in particular in the Lascaux cave, the Roceray Abbey, the Palace of Versailles and the Lanzarote underwater museum. Why ORFEO 5063 ? The title of this show refers both to the major work of Monteverdi L'Orfeo and to the asteroid Monteverdi 5063, located between Mars and Jupiter and named by astrophysicists in homage to the Italian composer. Two well-chosen references for the title of this hybrid show where classicism and technological innovation collide.
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