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Mozart - Beethoven/Koncert Symfoniczny
Polska Opera Królewska (2023)
09 september 2023 (1 forestillinger)
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1h 0mins
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Mozart - Beethoven/Koncert Symfoniczny by Mozart, Beethoven, Fra (2023/2023), Dirigent Dawid Runtz, Studio Koncertowe Polskiego Radia, Warsaw, Poland



Mozart - Beethoven/Koncert Symfoniczny
Vocal / Song cycleConcert
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven - two outstanding representatives of the classical style, and at the same time artists with completely different compositional languages. The juxtaposition of arias and symphonies written by them gives an excellent opportunity to reflect on what features are common to a given era and how formal and harmonic patterns can lead to the formation of two completely different artistic attitudes. The first part of the concert opens with the sentimental aria  Vado, ma dove? oh Dei! KV 583, which Mozart wrote in 1789 for the great singer Louise Villeneuve. The lyrical lament of a lover's heart finds perfect expression in the unusually melodious melody and the perfectly balanced part of the orchestra. The composer's passion for Italian opera art is connected here not only with the language of the text, but above all it is shown in reference to the captivating bel canto style. Anyway, the passion for opera penetrates all genres cultivated by Mozart - including the purely instrumental ones, although this fascination is not yet present in his first symphony, written when he was only eight years old. In the score, the autograph of which is kept by the Jagiellonian Library, one can see the effects of diligent study of the compositions of his father and sons of Johann Sebastian Bach. A completely different mood accompanies the aria Ah! Beethoven's Perfido , completed by the composer in Prague in 1796. Metastasio's libretto tells the story of Deidamia abandoned by Achilles. The wave of strong feelings - love and agitation - is reflected by emotional music full of contrasts. The program will be crowned with the famous Fifth Symphony by the master from Bonn with a moving four-note “fate theme”. It is the building block of the entire first part of the work and returns like an echo in the turbulent Scherzo and the triumphant final Allegro.The rich emotionality leads the listener through successive extended parts of the great cycle written in the first years of the 19th century. It is still within the framework of the classical form, but already heralds a turbulent century, whose music will soon explode with a riot of colors and depth of emotions.
Om info er tilgjengelig på: English, polski